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Pest Prevention Blog Articles

Pest Prevention Blog Articles

Mosquitoes and blood-borne illnesses

Summer is in full swing, and unfortunately that means so are the mosquitoes. Mosquito bites are a nuisance, but there are many additional reasons to protect your family, your pets and yourself from their bite. Some...

The ants go marching

One by one, four by four ... ah, geez, the Ant Army is on the move again. Ants are one of the most common pests we southerners encounter. It seems that no matter what the weather, ants will make their presence known....

Your best options to manage mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are always looking for a blood meal. (Gross, we know.) You basically have two options: keep them from biting you or eliminate them from your yard. And with the recent announcement from the Center for...

Spring is right on time, and so are the termites

Warmer weather has arrived in Atlanta and across the southeast. The grass is turning green. The birds are chirping. Spring cleaning and household projects are underway. Spring is also the most common season for...

What homeowners should know about termite swarms

Ahhh, the signs of spring—flowers blooming, new growth, kids playing outside and termites swarming. Wait, what? Yes, that's right, termites. While these insects do damage year-round, you'll be most aware of...

Can green pest control be effective?

Our society is becoming increasingly aware of the products and chemicals that we use and breathe in on a daily basis. We shop in the organic section at the grocery store, purchase natural skin care products, and...

It's Groundhog Day!

That's right woodchuck chuckers, it's… GROUNDHOG DAY! This morning, both Punxsutawney Phil and our local groundhog, General Beauregard Lee, saw their shadows. The Yellow River Game Ranch, which housed General...

You know pantry pests are gross, but what are the health risks?

It's Saturday morning. The kids are up— much earlier than you would like. You get the coffee started and stumble over to the pantry to grab a box of cereal. As you open the door and light hits your shelves, out...

Squirrels in a Nutshell

There are so many things to love about squirrels! They're adorable, friendly and highly intelligent. They help the environment by planting trees with their forgotten nuts, and they even keep pests away by eating...

Keep the mouse out of your house

Remember the mouse mazes from science fair projects? Mice are curious and persistent, a combination that leads them to reward. If you don't want your home to be their prize, try these house mouse prevention and mouse...