Beavers can be found throughout Georgia in and around streams, lakes, farm ponds, wetlands, and low lying land or swamps along flood-prone creek and river bottoms. Beavers are nocturnal (active at night), but can be seen occasionally during the day, especially during the low light conditions at dawn and dusk. Beavers generally mate in late November and December having litters consisting of 3-4 with a gestation period of about 3-4 months. Beavers reach reproductive maturity around 3 years old and practice monogamy. They have 1 litter annually. Beavers play an important role in establishing and maintaining wetlands. Beaver dams enhance their environment by providing habitat for many sensitive plant and animal species and improving water quality. Beavers can be a real nuisance though, especially for those who live near water. The main reason they present problems for homeowners and business owners alike is that they chew trees and build dams throughout the year. A lot of their preferred food choices are the nice expensive ornamentals we like to have in and around our properties. Other problems are flooding properties when damning up creeks and streams. The best way to solve beaver problems are to trap and remove them from the property.