Armadillos have been in south Georgia for years, where they have become common road kill and a nuisance to some homeowners and now armadillos have migrated further north and can be found in and north of Atlanta. Only one species of armadillo lives in Georgia. Armadillos are active primarily from twilight through early morning hours in the summer and in winter they may be active only during the day. Armadillos will dig burrows 8-12 inches wide and up to 15' long for shelter and raising their young. Armadillos generally mate in the winter and have 1 litter annually with a gestation period of about 150 days. Armadillos are unique in that their litters consists of quadruplets of the same sex. The young are identical since they are derived from a single egg. Armadillo burrows can be located in a variety of different habitats and it is common for them to have several burrows that can make for easy escapes when necessary. Armadillos have poor eyesight, but a keen sense of smell. They are agile and can run well when in danger. They are good swimmers and are also able to walk across the bottom of small streams. Armadillos are insectivores, with most of their diet being made up of insects and their larvae. However, to a lesser extent they will also eat fruit, eggs, and small animals. Armadillos can be considered a nuisance because of their digging and foraging behaviors. Their damage generally occurs when digging and foraging in lawns, golf courses, vegetable gardens, and flower beds. Typical signs of armadillo activity are shallow holes, generally 1 to 3 inches deep and 3 to 5 inches wide, which are dug in search of food. Also, they can uproot flowers and other ornamental plants. Some damage has been caused by their burrowing under foundations, driveways, and other structures.